World Explorer

World Explorer is a GUI tool designed for visually exploring and manipulating the state of worlds. It is available in the MUD TypeScript templates starting with version 2.2.


The URL for World Explorer is http://localhost:13690 (opens in a new tab).

CLI options

To use the explorer with different command-line options, use this process:

  1. In the mprocs screen, go down to the explorer process.

  2. Type x to stop the default explorer.

  3. In a different command-line window, go to packages/contract.

  4. Run the explorer using pnpm explorer <options>.

The World Explorer accepts the following CLI options:

OptionDescriptionDefault value
--worldAddressThe address of the world to exploreNone
--worldsFilePath to a worlds configuration file (used to resolve world address)None
--indexerDatabasePath to your SQLite indexer databaseindexer.db
--chainIdThe chain ID of the network31337
--portThe port on which to run the World Explorer13690
--envThe environment to run the World Explorer in (e.g., "development", "production")production

Installation (for earlier MUD versions)

The easiest way to get World Explorer for earlier MUD versions is to create a project with the new template.

  1. Create a project with the new template, which has World Explorer. Then, delete the files you no longer need.

    pnpm create mud@main explorer --template vanilla
    cd explorer
    rm -rf packages/client packages/contracts/[st]*
  2. Edit mprocs.yaml to remove the definitions for client, contracts, and anvil.

        cwd: packages/contracts
        shell: rimraf $SQLITE_FILENAME && pnpm sqlite-indexer
          RPC_HTTP_URL: ""
          FOLLOW_BLOCK_TAG: "latest"
          SQLITE_FILENAME: "indexer.db"
        cwd: packages/contracts
        shell: pnpm explorer
  3. Replace packages/contracts/worlds.json with a link to the original project's worlds.json.

    cp packages/contracts
    rm worlds.json
    ln -s <the original project>/packages/contracts/worlds.json .
    cd ../..
  4. Run the new project.

    pnpm dev
  5. Browse to World Explorer (opens in a new tab).


To contribute to or modify the World Explorer, the easiest way is to run the example setup in development mode.

  1. Create a local development setup:

    git clone
    cd mud
    pnpm install
    pnpm build
  2. Change to the example directory.

    cd examples/local-explorer/
  3. Edit the explorer line in mprocs.yaml

        cwd: packages/client
        shell: pnpm run dev
        cwd: packages/contracts
        shell: pnpm mud dev-contracts --rpc
        cwd: packages/contracts
        shell: anvil --base-fee 0 --block-time 2
        cwd: packages/contracts
        shell: rimraf $SQLITE_FILENAME && pnpm sqlite-indexer
          RPC_HTTP_URL: ""
          FOLLOW_BLOCK_TAG: "latest"
          SQLITE_FILENAME: "indexer.db"
        cwd: packages/contracts
        shell: pnpm explorer --env development
  4. Install the libraries and run the application.

    pnpm install
    pnpm dev
  5. In a separate command-line window, go to mud/package/explorer and modify that package. The code should rebuild automatically after you save changes.

    If you want to modidy the user interface code, it is at src/app/worlds/\[worldAddress\].